Minahasa, August 9th, 2023 – The Ministry of Health is commencing its expansion of the national HPV immunization coverage through the School Based Immunization (BIAS) Program for elementary schoolgirls grade 5 and 6. This event took place at SD Negeri 8 Tondano, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi.

In Indonesia, HPV immunization introduction program has been carried out in since 2016 by the Ministry of Health and as a form of effort to accelerate the cervical cancer elimination, the HPV immunization program was implemented nationally in 2023. The program was established through the Republic of Indonesia Health Ministerial Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/1930/2022 on the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) Immunization Introduction Program for 2022-2023.

MSD Indonesia Managing Director, George Stylianou stated, ” PT Merck Sharp and Dohme Indonesia (MSD) continues to support the expansion of HPV immunization coverage nationally, one of which is through the School Based Immunization Month (BIAS) program. This program is a concrete step of the government’s commitment to eliminate the spread of cervical cancer in Indonesia. We are proud to participate in the effort to support the availability and affordability of HPV vaccine in Indonesia. At MSD, we remain committed in reducing the number of cervical cancer cases in Indonesia and supporting WHO’s strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer globally.”

Previously, on August 2nd, 2023, a locally manufactured 4-valent HPV vaccine was launched as a result of a technology transfer in collaboration between MSD and Bio Farma which is expected to increase and expand HPV vaccine coverage in Indonesia.

George emphasized, “This strategic partnership shows MSD’s commitment in providing real support to Indonesia’s health transformation plan. We hope that this partnership will be the initial step of other types of technology transfer, such as expertise, knowledge, and experience between MSD and Bio Farma which will lead to improving the health and quality of life of the Indonesian people.”

In supporting the implementation of the HPV immunization program, MSD also collaborates with the Ministry of Health and other cross-sector professional organizations to educate about cervical cancer and the importance of HPV immunization through Disease Awareness Program activities to medical workers, health workers and the general public.

Director of Bio Farma Shadiq Akasya said that Bio Farma supports the expansion of nationwide HPV immunization coverage by ensuring the availability of the domestically produced 4-valent HPV vaccine by Bio Farma that supports the government’s goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2030.

“Joining hands with the government, Bio Farma continues to ensure that Indonesian children are protected against cervical cancer through immunization with specific schedules and doses, aiming to achieve the goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2030.”

Shadiq hopes that both the public and cross-sector stakeholders can play an active role in eliminating cervical cancer through the national HPV immunization program by improving access and expanding coverage of the HPV vaccination in Indonesia.

“Bio Farma takes pride in contributing to the improvement of Indonesians’ health by providing the 4-valent HPV vaccine. With strong collaboration with institutions including the government, health organizations, NGOs, and the industry, Bio Farma will continue to innovate and develop products to enhance the nation’s health quality,” Shadiq stated.

To achieve the cervical cancer elimination target by 2030, in line with WHO’s target, it is expected that the community and cross-sectoral stakeholders can play an active role in eliminating cervical cancer through the national HPV immunization program so that the immunization program can have high and equitable coverage.

Minahasa, 9 Agustus 2023 – Kementerian Kesehatan memulai perluasan cakupan imunisasi HPV skala nasional pada program Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS) kepada siswi kelas 5 dan 6 sekolah dasar. Kegiatan ini berlangsung di SD Negeri 8 Tondano, Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara.

Program imunisasi HPV telah dilakukan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2016 oleh Kementerian Kesehatan dan untuk mempercepat pencapaian target eliminasi kanker serviks, program imunisasi HPV mulai dilaksanakan secara nasional pada tahun 2023. Hal ini ditetapkan melalui Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/1930/2022 tentang Program Introduksi Imunisasi Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) Tahun 2022-2023.

Managing Director MSD Indonesia, George Stylianou mengungkapkan, “PT Merck Sharp & Dohme Indonesia (MSD) terus mendukung perluasan cakupan imunisasi HPV secara nasional, salah satunya melalui program Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS). Program ini menjadi langkah nyata dari komitmen pemerintah untuk mengeliminasi penyebaran kanker serviks di Indonesia. Tentunya kami bangga dapat berpartisipasi dalam upaya mendukung ketersediaan dan keterjangkauan vaksin HPV di Indonesia. Di MSD, kami terus berkomitmen untuk mengurangi jumlah kanker serviks di Indonesia dan mendukung strategi WHO untuk mempercepat eleminasi kanker serviks secara global.”

Sebelumnya, pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2023, telah diluncurkan vaksin HPV 4-valensebagai hasil produk transfer teknologi kerja sama antara MSD dan Bio Farma yang diharapkan dapat mendukung peningkatan dan perluasan cakupan imunisasi HPV di Indonesia.

George menekankan, “Kerja sama ini menunjukkan komitmen MSD dalam memberikan dukungan nyata terhadap rencana transformasi kesehatan Indonesia. Kami berharap kerja sama ini menjadi langkah awal dari transfer teknologi jenis lain, seperti keahlian, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman antara MSD dan Bio Farma yang akan bermuara pada peningkatan kesehatan dan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia.”

Dalam mendukung implementasi program imunisasi HPV, MSD juga berkolaborasi dengan Kementerian Kesehatan serta organisasi profesi lintas sektor lainnya untuk melakukan edukasi tentang penyakit kanker serviks dan pentingnya imunisasi HPV melalui kegiatan Disease Awareness Program kepada tenaga medis, tenaga kesehatan dan masyarakat awam.

Direktur Utama Bio Farma, Shadiq Akasya, mengungkapkan bahwa Bio Farma mendukung terlaksananya perluasan cakupan imunisasi HPV skala nasional dengan memastikan ketersediaan vaksin HPV 4-valen buatan Bio Farma yang di produksi di dalam negeri guna mendukung pemerintah mencapai target eliminasi kanker rahim pada tahun 2030.

“Bersama pemerintah, Bio Farma terus memastikan agar anak-anak Indonesia terlindungi dari penyakit kanker serviks, melalui imunisasi dengan jadwal dan dosis tertentu, untuk mencapai target eliminasi kanker leher rahim pada tahun 2030”.

Shadiq berharap agar masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan lintas sektoral dapat berperan aktif dalam mengeliminasi kanker serviks melalui program imunisasi HPV nasional sehingga memiliki cakupan yang tinggi dan merata.

“Bio Farma bangga dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dengan mengadirkan vaksin HPV 4-valen di Indonesia. Dengan adanya kolaborasi yang baik antar lembaga, baik dari pemerintah, lembaga kesehatan, NGO, dan industri, Bio Farma akan terus berinovasi menghasilkan produk – produk yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan bangsa” papar Shadiq. Untuk mencapai target eliminasi kanker leher rahim pada tahun 2030, sejalan dengan target WHO, diharapkan agar masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan lintas sektoral dapat berperan aktif dalam mengeliminasi kanker serviks melalui program imunisasi HPV nasional sehingga memiliki cakupan yang tinggi dan merata.

About MSD

At MSD, known as Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA in the United States and Canada, we are unified around our purpose: We use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world. For more than 130 years, we have brought hope to humanity through the development of important medicines and vaccines. We aspire to be the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company in the world – and today, we are at the forefront of research to deliver innovative health solutions that advance the prevention and treatment of diseases in people and animals. We foster a diverse and inclusive global workforce and operate responsibly every day to enable a safe, sustainable, and healthy future for all people and communities. For more information, visit www.msd.com and connect with us on TwitterLinkedIn and YouTube.

Copyright © 2023 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates. All rights reserved

About Bio Farma

PT Bio Farma (Persero) is the largest pharmaceutical state-owned holding in Indonesia engaged in health with end-to-end services, ranging from pharmaceutical research and development, manufacturing, and distribution, to the operation of retail pharmacies, clinics, and clinical laboratories. To support its business activities, Bio Farma has a head office and factory covering an area of 91,058 square meters in Bandung.  The company also has a representative office in Jakarta.  With a production capacity of more than 3.2 billion vaccine doses per year. Bio Farma has received certification from the World Health Organization (WHO) and has exported its products to more than 150 countries.  Bio Farma is the parent company of three pharmaceutical issuers on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), namely PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF), PT Indofarma Tbk (INAF). For more information, visit: www.biofarma.co.id.

Media Contact

Nabila Astari
Communication Manager, MSD Indonesia



Marendra C. Sadikin
Policy & Government Relations Manager, MSD Indonesia



Iwan Setiawan
Plt Corporate Secretary, Bio Farma



Yuni Miyansari
External Relation Manager, Bio Farma



  • The launch of NUSAGARD is the realization of the partnership between MSD and Bio Farma to improve capabilities and increase capacity of local vaccine manufacturing
  • The availability of NUSAGARD 4-valent HPV vaccine will enable a sustainable national immunization program for HPV

Jakarta, Agustus 2nd 2023 – Bio Farma Holding SOE Pharmaceuticals, with subsidiaries Kimia Farma and Indofarma, partnering with MSD (trade name Merck &; Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA), launched NUSAGARD, a locally manufactured 4-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in Indonesia. The launch of NUSAGARD in Jakarta, Indonesia was attended by Penny K. Lukito, Head of Drug and Food Monitoring Agency (BPOM); Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Deputy Health Minister; Aditya Dhanwantara, Assistant Deputy of Health Industry from Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise; George Stylianou, Managing Director of MSD Indonesia; Shadiq Akasya, Director of Bio Farma Induk Holding; Representative of the US Embassy in Indonesia, and MSD Asia Pacific Representative.

The launch of the NUSAGARD vaccine is a realization of the partnership agreement signed between MSD and Bio Farma on 13th December 2022, in Jakarta. With the presence of this locally manufactured HPV 4-valent vaccine, it is expected to improve access and expand coverage of HPV vaccination in Indonesia.

The Indonesian Government continues to encourage broad access to HPV vaccination in Indonesia through expanded HPV immunization coverage via a National Immunization Program (NIP). The school-based HPV NIP is scheduled to commence in August 2023 through the School Based Immunization Month (BIAS) Program.

Head of Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM), Penny K. Lukito, stated that the availability and access to a safe and high-quality HPV vaccines is very important. Therefore, BPOM is committed to continuing in assisting the NUSAGARD vaccine production process with the hope that gradually Bio Farma can do the end-to-end local production of NUSAGARD vaccine in the future, including the manufacture of active substances (drug substance), fill-and-finish process, to finished products.

”In line with the Presidential Instruction No. 6/2016 on Acceleration of the  Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry, we need to have the ability to produce HPV vaccine to meet the needs of HPV immunization program. We appreciate Bio Farma for this technology transfer partnership with a global vaccine company – Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD). The partnership between national and global pharmaceutical companies to develop NUSAGARD 4-valent HPV vaccine hopefully can inspire other collaborations, so that many more vaccines could be produce locally, hence accelerating the realization of Indonesia’s goal of vaccine self-sufficiency,” said the Head of Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM).

“This partnership between Bio Farma and MSD is a step that we hope will allow us to actively contribute towards health resilience in Indonesia. This is just the beginning of more contributions that will improve our healthcare industry. Once again congratulations, hopefully this collaboration can continue and become a start of the awakening of our health industry.” said the Assistant Deputy of Health Industry from Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise.

“The Ministry of Health continues to make significant progress in the transformation of our healthcare system, including through the transformation of the health resilience system and pharmaceutical sector in Indonesia. The launch of the locally-manufactured NUSAGARD 4-valent HPV vaccine is a unique example of technology transfer from the global pharmaceutical company MSD to the state-owned company, Bio Farma. This is a major milestone for Indonesia, particularly for the health sector, and we appreciate this strategic partnership and collaboration to support our continued healthcare transformation in Indonesia.” added the Deputy Minister of Health, Dante Saksono Harbuwono.

Director of Bio Farma, Shadiq Akasya, commented, “The launch of NUSAGARD, a 4-valent HPV vaccine, is an advance step of prevention for a cervical cancer free-generation. Bio Farma is providing accessibility, ensuring easy and affordable access from screening to vaccination. Bio Farma’s partnership with MSD is increasing the opportunity and momentous step for Bio Farma to deepen our experience, knowledge, and expertise of innovative technologies from global vaccine manufacturer. Moreover, this partnership also encourages us to continue to innovate in providing high quality locally-produced vaccines.”

“I am incredibly proud to see the launch of NUSAGARD here in Indonesia. This is the culmination of a partnership between MSD and Bio Farma that was established back in 2016. The successful transfer of MSD’s 4-valent HPV vaccine technology to Bio Farma has produced Indonesia’s first locally manufactured HPV vaccine. We look forward to seeing NUSAGARD being incorporated into the nationwide HPV immunization program this August. At MSD we are committed to reducing the incidence of cervical cancer here in Indonesia and fully supportive of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer globally.” said George Stylianou, Managing Director of MSD Indonesia.

  • Peluncuran NUSAGARD merupakan wujud nyata kerja sama antara Bio Farma dan MSD untuk meningkatkan keahlian dan kapasitas produksi vaksin dalam negeri
  • Keberlangsungan ketersediaan NUSAGARD vaksin 4-valent HPV diharapkan menjadi salah satu bentuk dukungan terhadap program imunisasi HPV skala nasional yang berkelanjutan

Jakarta, 2 Agustus 2023 – Bio Farma Induk Holding BUMN Farmasi, dengan anak perusahaan Kimia Farma dan Indofarma, bekerja sama dengan MSD (nama dagang Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA) meluncurkan NUSAGARD, vaksin human papillomavirus (HPV) 4-valen MSD yang diproduksi di dalam negeri. Peluncuran vaksin NUSAGARD dilaksanakan di Jakarta turut dihadiri oleh Penny K. Lukito, Kepala Badan POM; Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Wakil Menteri Kesehatan; Aditya Dhanwantara, Asisten Deputi Industri Kesehatan Kementerian BUMN; Shadiq Akasya, Direktur Utama Bio Farma; George Stylianou, Managing Director MSD Indonesia; Perwakilan Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Indonesia, serta Perwakilan MSD Asia Pasifik.

Peluncuran vaksin NUSAGARD hari ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari penandatanganan kesepakatan kerja sama yang dilakukan oleh MSD dan Bio Farma pada tanggal 13 Desember 2022 di Jakarta. Dengan hadirnya vaksin HPV 4-valen produksi dalam negeri, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dan memperluas cakupan vaksin HPV di Indonesia.

Pemerintah Indonesia terus mendorong peningkatan akses terhadap vaksin HPV di Indonesia dengan memperluas cakupan imunisasi HPV melalui Program Imunisasi Nasional. Program Imunisasi Nasional berbasis sekolah akan dilaksanakan mulai bulan Agustus 2023 melalui Program Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS).

Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), Penny K. Lukito, mengatakan bahwa ketersediaan serta akses terhadap vaksin HPV yang aman dan bermutu sangat penting. Untuk itu, BPOM berkomitmen untuk terus mendampingi proses produksi vaksin NUSAGARD, sehingga secara bertahap vaksin NUSAGARD dapat diproduksi lokal dari hulu ke hilir oleh Bio Farma, yaitu sejak pembuatan zat aktif (drug substance), proses fill-and-finish, hingga produk jadi.

”Sesuai dengan Instruksi Presiden No. 6 tahun 2016 tentang Percepatan Pengembangan Industri Farmasi dan Alat Kesehatan, kita harus memiliki kemampuan memproduksi vaksin HPV untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan imunisasi HPV di Indonesia. Kami mengapresiasi Bio Farma atas upaya kerja sama transfer teknologi dari produsen vaksin HPV global – Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD). Kemitraan antara industri farmasi nasional dan global untuk menghadirkan vaksin HPV NUSAGARD diharapkan menginspirasi munculnya kolaborasi-kolaborasi lain agar lebih banyak lagi jenis vaksin dapat yang diproduksi di dalam negeri dan mendukung cita-cita Indonesia dalam mendorong kemandirian,” ujar Kepala BPOM.

“Kerja sama Bio Farma dengan MSD ini merupakan langkah yang kami harapkan untuk kita bisa berperan lebih aktif dalam menuju ketahanan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ini adalah awal dari bertambahnya kontribusi yang akan meningkatkan industri kesehatan kita. Sekali lagi kami ucapkan selamat, semoga kerja sama ini bisa berlanjut dan menjadi awal dari kebangkitan industri kesehatan kita.” ungkap Asisten Deputi Industri Kesehatan Kementerian BUMN, Aditya Dhanwantara.

“Kementerian Kesehatan terus melakukan transformasi melalui kebijakan dari hulu sampai ke hilir, salah satunya adalah transformasi sistem ketahanan kesehatan di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan ketahanan sektor farmasi di Indonesia. Peluncuran NUSAGARDvaksin HPV 4-valen produksi dalam negeri ini merupakan bentuk realisasi nyata transfer teknologi dari perusahaan farmasi global MSD yang dilakukan bersama dengan perusahaan BUMN Bio Farma. Hal ini menjadi milestone penting bagi Indonesia, terutama sektor kesehatan, dan kami sangat mengapresiasi kerja sama strategis ini yang berkolaborasi untuk mendukung transformasi kesehatan di Indonesia.” ungkap Wakil Menteri Kesehatan, Dante Saksono Harbuwono.

Direktur Utama Bio Farma, Shadiq Akasya, menambahkan, “Peluncuran NUSAGARD, vaksin HPV 4-valen merupakan langkah terdepan dalam pencegahan menuju generasi bebas kanker serviks. Bio Farma hadir untuk memberikan aksesibilitas, memastikan akses yang mudah dan terjangkau terhadap layanan terkait kanker serviks, dari mulai deteksi hingga vaksinasi.  Kerja sama Bio Farma dengan MSD ini menambah kesempatan dan langkah penting bagi Bio Farma untuk memperdalam pengalaman, pengetahuan dan keahlian teknologi inovatif dari manufaktur vaksin global. Tidak hanya itu, langkah awal dari kerja sama kami ini juga memberikan semangat untuk terus berinovasi dalam menghadirkan produk-produk vaksin dalam negeri yang berkualitas.”

“Saya sangat bangga atas peluncuran NUSAGARD di Indonesia. Ini merupakan puncak dari kerja sama antara MSD dan Bio Farma yang telah terjalin sejak tahun 2016. Keberhasilan transfer teknologi vaksin HPV 4-valen MSD ke Bio Farma telah menghasikan vaksin HPV produksi lokal pertama di Indonesia. Kami berharap dapat menyaksikan NUSAGARD menjadi bagian dari program imunisasi HPV nasional pada bulan Agustus ini. Di MSD, kami terus berkomitmen untuk mengurangi jumlah kanker serviks di Indonesia dan mendukung strategi global Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) untuk mempercepat eleminasi kanker serviks secara global” ungkap Managing Director MSD Indonesia, George Stylianou.

About MSD

At MSD, known as Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA in the United States and Canada, we are unified around our purpose: We use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world. For more than 130 years, we have brought hope to humanity through the development of important medicines and vaccines. We aspire to be the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company in the world – and today, we are at the forefront of research to deliver innovative health solutions that advance the prevention and treatment of diseases in people and animals. We foster a diverse and inclusive global workforce and operate responsibly every day to enable a safe, sustainable, and healthy future for all people and communities. For more information, visit www.msd.com and connect with us on TwitterLinkedIn and YouTube.

Copyright © 2023 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates. All rights reserved

About Bio Farma

PT Bio Farma (Persero) is the largest pharmaceutical state-owned holding in Indonesia engaged in health with end-to-end services, ranging from pharmaceutical research and development, manufacturing, and distribution, to the operation of retail pharmacies, clinics, and clinical laboratories. To support its business activities, Bio Farma has a head office and factory covering an area of 91,058 square meters in Bandung.  The company also has a representative office in Jakarta.  With a production capacity of more than 3.2 billion vaccine doses per year. Bio Farma has received certification from the World Health Organization (WHO) and has exported its products to more than 150 countries.  Bio Farma is the parent company of three pharmaceutical issuers on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), namely PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF), PT Indofarma Tbk (INAF). For more information, visit: www.biofarma.co.id.

Media Contact

Nabila Astari
Communication Manager, MSD Indonesia



Marendra C. Sadikin
Policy & Government Relations Manager, MSD Indonesia



Iwan Setiawan
Plt Corporate Secretary, Bio Farma



Yuni Miyansari
External Relation Manager, Bio Farma



JAKARTA, INDONESIA, December 13th, 2022 – MSD (tradename of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA)today signed a framework agreement in relation to the technology transfer partnership with Bio Farma state-owned pharmaceutical holding company – with subsidiaries Kimia Farma and Indo Farma, Indonesias’s leading vaccine manufacturer, for the local manufacturing of MSD’s 4-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. The agreement was signed at a ceremony in Jakarta by George Stylianou, Managing Director, MSD Indonesia and Honesti Basyir, CEO, Bio Farma Holding, in the presence of Minister of Health Republic Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Vice Minister I of State Owened Enterprises Republic of Indonesia, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Representative of US Embassy in Indonesia, and President of MSD Asia Pacific, David Peacock.

Building on a partnership between MSD and Bio Farma established in 2016, today’s announcement of a framework agreement for the local production of HPV vaccine has the potential to increase domestic vaccine manufacturing capabilities and capacity in Indonesia. Under the framework, the parties will work toward an agreement to support local manufacturing of HPV vaccine in Indonesia.

Currently HPV vaccine is used in the HPV immunization introduction programs in a number of districts and cities across Indonesia, and the Indonesia HPV vaccination program will continue to expand to become a nationwide immunization program in 2023.

Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said “The partnership between MSD and Bio Farma is a real example of collaboration between two parties to support the Health Transformation in Indonesia, especially in transforming the health resilience system and one of the main pillars primary service transformations of promotive and preventive. I believe that the potential transfer of technology, expertise, knowledge and experience from MSD as a leading global manufacturer of HPV vaccines will be beneficial for Bio Farma and for the sustainability of Indonesia’s Health Sector, especially in vaccine development.”

Aligned with Minister Budi’s comments, the Indonesian Vice Minister I of State-Owned Enterprise Pahala Nugraha Mansury said that “The aspiration is for Indonesia to become a global hub for vaccine production, and this partnership between MSD and Bio Farma is an important milestone towards this aspiration.”

Director of Bio Farma Honesti Basyir added, “This partnership with MSD is also an important step taken by Bio Farma to strengthen Indonesia’s health infrastructure. Through this collaboration Bio Farma hopes to enable the best quality HPV vaccine to be produced in Indonesia.”

“MSD has continued to expand production and supply of our HPV vaccines in order to address the unprecedented level of demand we are seeing globally. We continue to work towards our goal of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer here in Indonesia and worldwide through improved access to HPV vaccination and the implementation of new and expanded immunization programs. At MSD we are proud to support the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem,” said David Peacock, president of Asia Pacific, MSD.

The agreement signing today coincided with Nusantara Day and brings together best-in-class vaccine manufacturing capabilities from Bio Farma and MSD for Indonesia.

JAKARTA, INDONESIA, 13 Desember 2022 – MSD (nama dagang Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA) hari ini menandatangani perjanjian kerangka kerja terkait kerjasama transfer teknologi dengan Bio Farma Induk Holding BUMN Farmasi – dengan anak perusahaan Kimia Farma dan Indo Farma, produsen vaksin terkemuka di Indonesia, untuk memproduksi secara lokal vaksin 4-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) MSD. Perjanjian tersebut ditandatangani oleh George Stylianou, Managing Director MSD Indonesia dan Honesti Basyir, CEO Bio Farma Induk Holding dan disaksikan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Wakil Menteri I BUMN Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Perwakilan Kedutaan Besar US di Indonesia, and Presiden MSD Asia Pasifik, David Peacock.

Berlandaskan kemitraan MSD dan Bio Farma yang telah terjalin sejak tahun 2016, pengumuman perjanjian kerangka kerja untuk produksi lokal vaksin HPV hari ini berpotensi akan meningkatkan kemampuan dan kapasitas produksi vaksin dalam negeri di Indonesia. Berdasarkan kerangka tersebut, para pihak akan terus bekerja sama menuju kesepakatan untuk mendukung pembuatan vaksin HPV lokal di Indonesia.

Saat ini Vaksin HPV telah digunakan untuk program introduksi imunisasi HPV diberbagai kabupaten dan kota serta program imunisasi HPV akan terus diperluas hingga menjadi program skala nasional pada tahun 2023.

Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin mengatakan kerjasama antara Bio Farma dan MSD, merupakan bentuk nyata kolaborasi antar pihak untuk mendukung Transformasi Kesehatan di Indonesia, terutama dalam upaya penguatan pilar layanan primer promotif dan preventif yang merupakan salah satu prioritas Kementerian Kesahatan. Saya percaya bahwa dengan adanya potensi transfer teknologi baik keahlian, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman dari MSD sebagai produsen global terkemuka untuk vaksin HPV akan bermanfaat bagi Bio Farma dan untuk kemandirian Sektor Kesehatan di Indonesia terutama dalam pengembangan vaksin.

Selaras dengan komentar dari Menteri Kesehatan, Wakil Menteri I Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Pahala Nugraha Mansury mengatakan aspirasinya adalah agar Indonesia menjadi hub produksi vaksin dunia, dan kerjasama antara MSD dan Bio Farma ini merupakan langkah penting menuju aspirasi tersebut.

Direktur Bio Farma Honesti Basyir menambahkan, “Kerjasama dengan MSD ini merupakan langkah penting yang dilakukan Bio Farma untuk memperkuat infrastruktur kesehatan Indonesia. Melalui kolaborasi ini Bio Farma akan menghadirkan vaksin HPV kualitas terbaik untuk diproduksi di Indonesia.”

“MSD akan terus memperluas produksi dan ketersediaan vaksin HPV dkami untuk memenuhi tingkat permintaan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya yang kami lihat secara global. Kami terus berupaya untuk mencapai tujuan kami mengurangi kejadian kanker serviks di seluruh dunia melalui peningkatan akses terhadap vaksinasi HPV dan penerapan program imunisasi yang baru dan diperluas. Di MSD kami bangga mendukung strategi global dari Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) untuk mempercepat eliminasi kanker serviks sebagai masalah kesehatan masyarakat” kata David Peacock, Presiden Asia Pasifik, MSD.

Penandatanganan perjanjian hari ini bertepatan dengan Hari Nusantara, dan membawa kapabilitas manufaktur vaksin terbaik dari Bio Farma dan MSD untuk Indonesia.

About MSD

At MSD, known as Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA in the United States and Canada, we are unified around our purpose: We use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world. For more than 130 years, we have brought hope to humanity through the development of important medicines and vaccines. We aspire to be the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company in the world – and today, we are at the forefront of research to deliver innovative health solutions that advance the prevention and treatment of diseases in people and animals. We foster a diverse and inclusive global workforce and operate responsibly every day to enable a safe, sustainable and healthy future for all people and communities. For more information, visit www.msd.com and connect with us on TwitterLinkedIn and YouTube.

About Bio Farma

PT Bio Farma (Persero) is the largest pharmaceutical holding company in Indonesia, which offer end-to-end services in the health industry, starting from the pharmaceutical-related research and development, manufacturing, distribution to the operation of pharmacy, health clinics to clinical laboratories. Bio Farma’s headquarter is sitting on a 91,058 square meter of land in Bandung, West Java, which comprises office buildings and factory facilities. The company also operates a representative office in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city. Bio Farma is capable of producing more than 3.2 billion doses of vaccines per year. The company has exported its vaccine products to more than 150 countries in the world. Bio Farma became a holding company after a merger of three listed state-owned pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. Three companies PT Bio Farma (Persero), PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF), PT Indofarma Tbk (INAF), merged into Bio Farma today. For further information, please visit www.biofarma.co.id.

Media Contact

Nabila Astari
Communication Manager, MSD Indonesia



R. Rifa Herdian
Corporate Secretary & Investor Relation, Bio Farma

